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Healing Lies Within You

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing can be likened to the tuning of an instrument of the most remarkable kind. Every part of who we are has a vibration that radiates from within us and can be in or out of tune, healthy or not, in balance or not. Once we become aware of the thoughts and beliefs instigating our emotions and actions, we can change those thoughts and processes of thinking with MINDFUL, conscious effort, rewire the neural circuits on which our old habits of thought run, and thereby alter not only our physical body and its trained responses, but many other aspects of our life, as we always attract or create things that are in harmony with our energy.


Energy healing or spiritual healing is a deep and permanent alteration to one's conscious awareness. A healing or change can be immediate and drastic, noticeable to others or more subtle and take place over a period of time. It all depends on the imbalance or dis-ease and the individual who is making the change. Some changes are difficult to make and thus, take time, while in other instances, one can have immediate and permanent healing simply from the light of understanding hitting them and rippling throughout their entirety, altering in one moment how they experience and relate to the world.

Our energy field is a compilation of our thoughts, ideas, beliefs, memories, feelings, experiences and everything we decide to carry from our past and the path to our personal healing may be unlike the next person's, but the tools to be used are common to us all. You can make the leap forward to new stages of experience, when you actively participate in your growth and wellness. Your current state of being and your course in this life is comprised of the many facets of who you are. 

Come have a session and begin your journey to healing one private session at a time, or learn how the transformation happens, practice using the tools and techniques and compound your results by taking part in our Mindfulness Training Program TM


Davina is dedicated to a life of personal growth and healing and to the sharing of her knowledge and gifts with others. She is inspired to teach, aid and support the growth, healing and transformation of those interested in seeking, and more importantly, those willing to do the work necessary to achieve new personal levels.


Come on in and find out what session is right for you and your growth path!


Experiential activities, practical application and the science behind the healing, collide in this explosive and powerful program of growth.

In this MINDFULNESS TRAINING PROGRAM you can learn to master the art of Mindfulness and Energy Healing and use it to create powerful results in your own life.


Become a Certified Mindfulness Coach and Reiki Master/Teacher with Key Into Healing.



Amidst the many facets of our multi-dimensional bodies await the KEYS to unlocking our very own path to healing.


While all of our paths to our various goals, dreams or destinations may be different, the tools or KEYS for success are universal.

It is our ability to be with the truth and our willingness to take the necessary action, that are the most BASIC KEYS. Explore these two KEYS, as well as others and the many ways in which we can use them to create the results we seek in life.

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